Thursday, October 21, 2021

Common Art Week 09 - The Hero's Journey

 For this week, we had to make individual slides representing different parts of the hero's journey as it relates to the Pokemon games. My group decided to use photos to 'photobash' the scenes together in lieu of traditional art.

This slide represents the hero's trials. I opted to include the 8 Gym leaders along Red's path as he's chased by the game's 'trickster' archetype: Team Rocket

This slide represent's the Hero's approach to their greatest challenge. It feature's one of the story's 'shapshifter' Archetypes the Elite 4. They appear to be the Shadow he is to face but end up being threshold guardians in actuality

This slide represents the Hero's crisis. I opted to include the hero's primary antagonist: Blue. Otherwise known as the Shadow of the story. After facing the Elite 4, Red has to use his weakened pokemon against a fully powered Blue in one final showdown.

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Common Art III Final Sprint

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