Thursday, September 2, 2021

Common Art Week 01 - Use of Basic Shapes

 We had to utilize shape language to come up with 3 original creature designs representing that shape. You can see that I struggled a bit to get into the flow of it, the first creature being the roughest and the last being the most clean but once I started to get a better grasp on using photoshop again my workflow sped up considerably. For the creatures I didn't want to be so literal with the shape language and instead opted for a more subtle designs that inspired the same feelings. For the round character I decided to make them an elongated cylinder while focusing on giving it features of cuter more cuddly woodland critters. The square one I opted to make blocky and strong, almost like a living tank, It has more geometric designs in the tortoise shell on it's back and armored knuckles to sell the square theme. Finally, for the angular character I decided to make him a cross between a piranha and an angel fish to give it the most obvious shape and jagged features an aggressive creature might have. Overall, I feel like my comfortability with digital painting will only get better over time as I try to branch out of the tools I've relied on till now and add different techniques to my skillset. 

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Common Art III Final Sprint

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